With the minimum of effort, just a few brush strokes conveys the identity of the person above. Now that's what I call a powerful, iconic Personal Brand...
Although there are differing opinions about how much time we have to make a positive first impression, in my considered opinion it’s about 10-seconds. This brings me to my Webinar on Personal Branding, hosted by former Dragons’ Den panellist, Rachel Elnaugh. The event was a success because the subject is very important right now. I believe that’s a symptom of our times and people’s need and desire to distinguish themselves. It’s a kind of riposte to the sameness we seem to experience in the world; whether that homogenization appears in fashion, use of language, physical attractiveness, behaviours or attitudes. Or, even in the way we communicate with each other.
It seems to me that in order to stand out from the crowd, we need to develop a strong, positive personal brand. We all have a Personal Brand, whether we know it or not. Our personal brand is what people say about us, not what we say about ourselves.
In case you missed the Webinar, here are the main points I covered. These are the all-important components for a congruent Inner and Outer Personal Brand.
Your Outer Brand is the way you ‘package’ yourself. Here’s how to convey unquestionable professional polish:
Excellent grooming
Upbeat body language
Good steady eye contact
Attire that is appropriate to the business culture and says something about you
Smiling – it’s contagious
A firm handshake – it sets the tone
Excellent manners - treating others as you would like to be treated
Communication – in-person, by phone or email, one congruent communication style
Be engaging and know how to build rapport
Your Inner Brand, in essence, is your Reputation. Here are the attributes that will contribute greatly to your Inner ‘brand promise.’
Passion & Enthusiasm
Excellent listening skills
With these attributes in place, your Personal Brand will be given a significant upgrade. Moreover, whether you’re a CEO, a spouse or entrepreneur, your value and collateral as a human being will increase exponentially. You’ll also be considered by others as being someone who’s authentic. Moreover, some of you will know who really are, perhaps for the first time.
Men Only - Outer Brand - Grooming Tip in London: a great haircut at a good price is to be had by Carmelo @ Melogy. He's very talented and also a really nice guy. Here's his website: www.melogy.com
Women Only - Outer Brand - Makeup Tip: Several of my female clients are thrilled with the products from the CHROMA makeup studio in the heart of Beverly Hills. Their high quality,well-priced products can't be found on the high street. For a unique experience, now you can order easily online: http://www.chromamakeupstudio.com/chromamakeupstudio/Chroma.html