Monday 15 July 2013

Giving Your All Can Be Too Much

There is a difference between giving up, and knowing when you have had enough.

Building a business or being a worthwhile employee takes discipline, perseverance, loyalty
and patience. Good outcomes take longer than you'd like to come to fruition, so patience is particularly a key. However, most of us are guilty of over working or, worse, we become workaholics. Before giving too much gets to be too much, it's best to introduce some preventative measures: It might be spending some time getting fit, eating healthier, perhaps doing some yoga, or practicing mindfulness, or spending time with your family. It almost doesn't matter what you do, as long as you take some positive action. Without taking action most things remain the same, or invariably become worse.

Some of you may be thinking - "My main priority is business, when I get that right, that's the time to take care of me." Of course, taking care of one's business is a major priority. But getting your business to a place where everything is running well can be quite a task. It’s still important to take time to replenish that place within you from where everything emanates. When we end up over-giving, we fail to withstand everyday pressures because we have become emotionally drained, physically exhausted and intellectually numbed.

In reality, this leads to becoming less resilient.  When our inner resources become depleted, we are disabled from being able  to tap into the best of who we are. So give yourself the luxury of taking  better care of yourself, then observe how your energy levels become more buoyed, new ideas start to emerge, and also, you experience your intuition kicking in. It's just too easy for us to give into bad habits. It takes about 30 days to create a sustainable new habit, one that will serve you faithfully. Equally, it takes the same amount of time to break a bad habit. So if you start now, this time next month is likely to be the new beginning of the new you.          

Thursday 3 January 2013

The Power of One Personal Brand

2013 has arrived, it's time to express heartfelt passions, and our desire for business and personal success. It has become clear to me that now is the year to consciously decide the actions we will take in 2013. Actions that will enable us to have more of what we want. We are in a period of change, in that if we continue to do what we've been doing, we will continue to get what we've been getting.

First, we need to establish our purpose: what are we here to do? Or, what are you here to do. Without purpose, we cannot truly establish our authentic  goals. For me it's been a long journey, one that continues. For about 25 years, I've been researching, teaching, coaching and guiding people about how to develop an authentic Personal Brand, a Brand that truly represents who they are on inside, and how they can convey it on the outside.  

In all my research, experience and journeying, I've not come across any self development programme that integrates E.Q  (Emotional Intelligence), S.Q (Spiritual Intelligence) and good old fashion common business sense.  Moreover, it's to do with taking action(s) in that only by taking action, can we become more authentic,  increase our confidence, self esteem, be more effective and have greater influence. And, as importantly, be a wonderful role model.

So I'd like to invite those who are similarly minded to join me at  a Power of One workshop on January 16th. This event will help you to upgrade your Personal Brand. In addition, I'd like to explore how/if this programme can help you to further enhance you and your business.

This is an introductory workshop will take place at 2:00 p.m. and finish at 5:00 p.m. The fee is £15.00 which meets expenses.  

If you'd like to attend, please contact me at: